Books & Papers
Davidson, Debra J. and Matthias Gross (Editors). 2018. Oxford Handbook of Energy and Society. Oxford University Press.
Magnus Bostrom and Davidson, Debra J. (Editors). 2018. Environment and Society: Concepts and Challenges. Palgrave-MacMillan
Davidson, Debra J. and Michael Gismondi. 2011. Challenging Legitimacy at the Precipice of Energy Calamity. New York: Springer.
Davidson, Debra J. and Kierstin Hatt (Editors). 2005. Consuming Sustainability: Critical Social Analyses of Ecological Change. Halifax: Fernwood Publishing.
Letourneau, Angeline, Debra J. Davidson, Carrie Karsgaard & Dasha Ivanova. 2023. “Proud fathers and fossil fuels: gendered identities and climate obstruction,” Environmental Politics, 33(4): 678-698. DOI: 10.1080/09644016.2023.2274271
Karsgaard, Carrie and Davidson, Debra J. 2023 “Must we wait for youth to speak out before we listen? International youth perspectives and climate change education.” Educational Review, Special Issue: Youth Activism, Climate Change, and Education, 75(1): 74-92.
Davidson, Debra J. 2022. “Climate change sociology: Past contributions and future research needs. PLOS Climate, 1(7): e0000055.
Davidson, Debra J. and Maik Kecinski. 2022. “Emotional pathways to climate action.” WIREs Climate Change 13(2): e751.
Blue, Gwendolyn and Davidson, Debra J. 2021. “Co-producing uncertainty in public science: The case of genomic selection in forestry.” Public Understanding of Science 30(4): 455-469.
Blue, Gwendolyn and Davidson, Debra J. 2020. “Advancing a transformative social contract for the environmental sciences: From public engagement to justice.” Environmental Research Letters 15(11) 5008.
Davidson, Debra J. 2019. “Exnovating for a renewable energy transition.” Nature Energy 4 (April): 254-256.
Davidson, Debra J., Rollins, Curtis, Lefsrud, Lianne, Anders, Sven, Hamann, Andreas. 2019. “Just don’t call it climate change: Climate-skeptic farmer adoption of climate mitigative practices.” Environmental Research Letters 14(3): 034015.
Davidson, Debra J. 2019. “Emotion, reflexivity and social change in the era of extreme fossil fuels.” British Journal of Sociology 70(2): 442-462.
Davidson, Debra J. 2019. “The Effort Factor: An adjustment to our understanding of social-ecological metabolism in the era of Peak Oil.” Social Problems 66(1): 69–85.
Davidson, Debra J. and Richard C. Stedman. 2018. “Calling forth the change-makers: Reflexivity theory and climate change attitudes and behaviors.” Acta Sociologica 61(1): 79-94.
Davidson, Debra J. 2017. “Evaluating the Effects of Living with Contamination from the Lens of Trauma: A case study of fracking development in Alberta, Canada.” Environmental Sociology 4(2): 196-209.
Lankao, Patricia Romero, Timon McPhearson, and Debra J. Davidson. 2017. “The Food, Energy and Water Nexus and Urban Complexity.” Nature Climate Change 7(4): 233-235.
Davidson, Debra J. 2016. “Gaps in agricultural climate adaptation research.” Nature Climate Change 6: 433-435.
Davidson, Debra J. Jeffrey Andrews and Daniel Pauly. 2014. “The effort factor: Evaluating the increasing marginal impact of resource extraction over time.” Global Environmental Change 25: 63-68.
Davidson, Debra J. and Jeffrey Andrews. 2013. “Not all about consumption.” Science, 339, 15 March: 1286-1287.
Davidson, Debra J. 2012. “Analyzing Social Responses to Climate Change through the Lens of Reflexivity: An In-Depth Look at ‘Climate Change Meta-Reflexives.’” British Journal of Sociology, 63(4): 616-640.
Davidson, Debra J. 2010. “The applicability of the concept of resilience to social systems: Some sources of optimism and nagging doubts.” Society and Natural Resources, 23: 1135-1149.